A Level Spanish Tutors
AS/A2 Level Spanish Tutors
Achieve top grades with our experienced Spanish AS/A2 tutors
Our dedicated Spanish A-Level tutors help students prepare for their exams and achieve their highest potential.
Our team of tutors have taught in schools and language institutions and have extensive experience helping students achieve their university entry requirements. They have up-to-date syallbus knowledge and can concentrate on areas that you find particularly difficult.
Lessons are one-to-one allowing individual attention. Learn from home as your Spanish tutor will connect with you over Skype, cutting out costly travel time. All learning material is included and shared in an online classroom.
AS/A2 Level Spanish tutors can help you:
Practice past Spanish exam papers
Provide revision exercises for Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking units
Give extra Spanish conversational practice
Proven exam success
Online 1-To-1 Lessons: learn from anywhere, at any time
Take lessons from home, allowing convenience, flexibility and cutting out costly travel time.
Connect in an online classroom for 1-to-1 tuition, where you can see and speak to your tutor. Communicate easily via a shared whiteboard and video.
Qualified, native Spanish-speaking tutors who have taught in schools, universities and language institutions.
First lesson is free, to see if you like your tutor! Prices from £12 per private lesson, for future lessons.
Spanish AS/A2 Level Examination Board Experience:
Lessons can be tailored to any examination board requirements, including the below:
AQA Spanish AS/A Level
OCR Spanish AS/A Level
Edexcel Spanish AS/A Level
Cambridge International AS/A Level
Please fill out this quick form, with no obligation required, and one of our experienced A Level tutors will contact you for a free 50 minute online lesson.