The Neutral Article in Spanish
The neutral article in Spanish is an article that never changes. The article, 'lo' is used to refer abstract concepts.
It is only used with adjectives, adverbs or participles where the object is describing an abstract noun. The neutral article is never used with nouns but sometimes it is used with the preposition 'de' + noun.
When to use the neutral article 'lo':
1. As a neuter definite article:
Lo + singular masculine adjective
Lo bonito de Guatemala son las personas. (The beauty of Guatemala are the people.)
2. To give more intensity to the adverb:
Lo + adverb
Lo poco que hago es importante. (The little I do is important.)
3. Use this structure when referring to something known without naming it exactly:
Lo de + noun
Lo de Pablo me preocupa mucho. (The thing about Pablo worries me a lot.)
4. Idiomatic expressions:
- Por lo menos. (At least)
- Me da lo mismo. (I don't care)
- A lo mejor. (Maybe)
- Es lo de siempre. (It is the same as usual)
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