How it works

Learn Spanish with qualified tutors from any location. One-to-one online Spanish lessons which work for you.

Online Spanish lessons - the easy way to get fluent.

Learn from any location

Learn to speak Spanish in online classrooms from any location.

Experienced 1-to-1 tuition

Spanish lessons with fully qualified Spanish tutors.

Unbeatable value

Free first lesson. No obligation required. From £10/lesson after.

Re-schedule lessons easily

Flexible lesson timings available. Need to re-schedule? No problem!

Why learn Spanish online with us?

Learn Spanish fast with expert tutors

Enjoy private Spanish tuition with experienced native Spanish-speaking tutors. Whether you are beginners, intermediate or advanced, our 1-to-1 online lessons can be customised to your level.

Spanish lessons from any location

Learn through online classrooms where you can see and speak to your Spanish tutor. Share lesson material easily with interactive whiteboards. Take Spanish classes from any location convenient for you.

Flexible lesson scheduling

Re-schedule Spanish language lessons easily so you never miss out. We understand busy lifestyles and work around your schedule.

Affordable & flexible pricing

High-quality Spanish tuition at a price right for you. Lessons start from £10. Connect with ELE qualified tutors from Guatemala who are passionate about teaching their language.

Lead a busy life? We
work around your

Flexible class timings with easy re-scheduling options.

Hear it from our students:

FAQs on getting started

Can I study anywhere?

Yes, take Spanish classes from anywhere that has an internet connection, whether that be at home, work or your favourite coffee shop! We offer lessons for wherever you are in the world.

Can I study at any time?

Our Spanish lessons are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Flexible scheduling options allow you to change your lesson timings whenever you need, or have a set time. You choose!

How do I connect to my lessons?

Lessons are taken online and accessed easily from any computer, laptop, iPad or tablet. Connect with your tutor over Skype and we will also send you a link to the online classroom with interactive whiteboards. It is just like being in a real classroom.

What is the free introductory class?

We offer a free 50 minute Spanish trial lesson. The free lesson allows your Spanish teacher to assess your level and you can see if you like your teacher. No commitment is needed!

Sign up to the free class at:

FAQs on the Spanish lessons

How long are the lessons?

Each lesson is 50 minutes.

What type of Spanish do you teach?

Our tutors can teach both Latin American and European Spanish. All our tutors are from Guatemala in Central America. Guatemalans speak clearly and have a fairly neutral accent which makes it easy to understand. This is one of the reasons as why it is one of the most popular countries in the world to learn Spanish.

Is lesson material included?

Yes, all the lesson material you need is included and will be shared with you during your lesson. Your tutor will also leave you feedback at the end of each lesson.

How can I view my progress?

You will be given access to a personalised online student area, where your teacher will leave feedback after each lesson. You can also find previous lesson material in the student area.

Can I get a refund on classes bought?

We offer refund on any lessons that have not been used 14 days from the purchase date. We can't offer a refund on any classes after the 14 days. Please note any classes that have been rescheduled before 12 hours notice and not used within the 14 day period count as a lesson used.

Ready to start your Spanish learning journey?

Sign up to a free lesson today!