Spanish Lesson Prices

Flexible pricing to suit you! Book as many lessons as you need. Learn in an online classroom where you can see and speak to your Spanish tutor.

Spanish lesson prices at a glance

£15 per lesson

Single private online lesson

£12 per lesson

Block of 10 private online lessons

£10 per lesson

Block of 20 private online lessons

Find out more:

Book as many, or as few, lessons as you need. Enjoy flexibility in learning Spanish. Class timings available 24/7. Buy 10 lessons, get your 11th lesson for free.

Get 20% off with 10 Spanish lessons. You are not restricted to the same day/time each week. Re-schedule any lessons with a 12 hours notice. Receive a free lesson when you buy two blocks.

Enjoy 33% off with a block of 20 lessons! Choose timings to fit your schedule. Flexibiltiy to change class timings whenever you need. Receive a free lesson when you buy two blocks.

We offer in-person tuition for students taking GCSE and A-Level Spanish exams. Our tutors can give lessons from your home, where your child feels most comfortable. Customised Pricing available.

High quality Spanish tuition at an affordable price.

Start learning Spanish today!


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